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Register coaches students in English essay structure
Harness the Power of AI to Write Better Essays

EssayMaps to harness the power of AI and ChatGTP to help students write better academic essays.

The first element used by ChatGTP uses to structure its essays is the Hamburger Paragraph. As ChatGPT 4, the AI essay writing program, explains it:

"The hamburger paragraph model functions as a practical, easy-to-remember tool that supports effective writing practices, particularly beneficial in educational settings where foundational skills are being taught and reinforced."

The Hamburger Paragraph is used for explanations, comparisons, causes, or arguments. After an introduction,the the Hamburger Paragraph limits the essay to three causes, comparison, or arugments, because people remember information presented in thres rather than in other numbers. As CHAT GPT writes:

"Psychologically, people prefer narratives that have a clear beginning, middle, and end. This structure can be traced back to our earliest storytelling traditions, where a simple, linear progression provides a sense of completeness and satisfaction."

This is sometimes described as the "rule of three."

As part of EssayMaps, I incorporate transitions used by CHAT GPT for each type of essay --example, addition, conclusion, etc. All the example essays have been written by CHAT GPT. If you analyze them, you will recognize transitions that EssayMaps includes.

Most of the essay types require a variety of transitions. A compare-and-contrast essay, for instance, includes a transition to a similarity or a difference. As you progress, all the appropriate transitions used by CHAP GTP will be listed in dropdown boxes.

To make things easier, each paragraph and essay can be printed out in Word. Corrections can be made incrementally so you don't have to retype everything as you move from outline to paragraph to complete essay.

The most important things is that learning these techniques is not only legal, mastering these techniques will give you confidence that you can write your own essay as well as CHAT GPT. So, let's get started and turn you into an Essay Master.