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 Paragraph Types - or "Essay Seeds"

What are the Paragraph and Essay Types?

At EssayMaps, the point is to start with these basic forms. From the first sentence, each has a unique, recognizable structure. Think of them as shapes. To grow these paragraphs and essay, you must add details, examples and citations in the right places.

EssayMaps starts with the most funadmental academic paragraphs and essays. They are:

The Reason Paragraph or Essay

A reason essay tells you the reason for something. Why do you think your mother is the best person in the world, for instance. Let's say this is a "square" that can be expanded but not altered

The Cause-and_Effect Paragraph or Essay

The cause-and-effect essay discusses the causes of something, such as pollution, or the effects of something, such as smoking. The cause-and-effect essay has a distinct form or shape that cannot be altered

The Compare-and-Contrast Paragraph or Essay

The compare-and-contrast essay basically discusses similarities or differences between people, things or products. The compare-and-contrast paragraph or essay actually has four distinct forms or shapes that cannot be altered

The Persuasive or Argument Paragraph or Essay

The persuasive essay argues you belief, but also undercuts the argument of your opponent. The persuasive or argument essay must refute your opponents argument to make it effective