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 Long Argument or Persuaive Paragraph

Extended (Long) Reason Paragraph

To write an effective short essay, you need to add details and examples to the sentences you have already written. Details provide a fuller description of what you want to write about. Then one needs to write a specific example using a specific place, a specific time, a specific event for each sentence.


Topic Sentence -- the Top Bun

First Reason with Details and an Example     

First Reason -- the Lettuce

Background or least important reason

Details, Quotes or Statistics

In this section, provide details about the first reason.
It may include the location, thre number of restaurants or, in the case of academic studies,
quotes from experts that support your first reason.

First Reason -- Example

This must be specific -- one time, one person, one place, one event.

Second Reason with Details and an Example

Second Reason

Details, Quotes or Statistics

In this section, you provide details about the second reason.
Again, it may include the location, the number of restaurants or, in the case of academic studies,
quotes from experts that support your second reason.

Second Reason -- Example

This must be specific -- one time, one person, one place, one event.

Most Important Reason with Details and an Example   

Important Reason -- the Meat

Important Reason: Details, Quotes or Statistics

Important Reason -- Example

This must be specific -- one time, one person, one place, one event.

Paragraph Conclusion

Conclusion - the Bottom Bun

Summarize the reasons in order
Try to end with a strong sentence