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Effect (Result) Paragraph Outline

Effect (Results) Paragraph or Essay

As we mentioned, the most effective cause-and-effect paragraphs are about only causes (reasons) or effects (results), usually not both. Take a look at the banana peel above. If you're writing an effects (results) paragraph, the effects are pretty clear: You can slip on a banana peel.

If you're doing a cause paragraph, you're looking for the causes of slipping. A banana peel might be one cause, a newly waxed floor might be another and ice-coated sidewalks might be the third and most common reason.

In this causes paragraph, you are writing about the causes of something such as drug addiction, smoking, divorce or crime. Again, if you're writing about smoking, you might have something along the lines of:

"While experts claim that millions of smokers start between the ages of 11 and 13,
something must be done to focus on the results of smoking that will discourage young teens from starting to smoke in the first place."

You then write about the effect of smoking -- bad breath, stained teeth, identification as a weak follower not a strong leader -- that might persuade young teens not to smoke
Below, pick the effects/results something important and write the three reasons in order of importance.


Topic Sentence - the Top Bun

Your topic sentence goes here. If I write that smoking or drug addiction is a problem,
I need to list the three most important reasons that people smoke or use drugs


Try to limit your effects (results) to one word

The Most Important Effect (Result) -- the Meat

The Second Most Important Effect/Result - the Tomato

First or Least Important Effect/Result - the Lettuce

Conclusion - the Bottom Bun

The bottom bun looks a lot like the top bun.
A conclusion can be something as simple as, "Those are the results of smoking that might be persuasive to a teenage."
