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expburger Paragraph

Five-Sentence Expository Paragraph

Click HERE to review an expository paragraph. For the basic structure, remember:

1. The Top Bun -- Topic Sentence Outlining Your Three Findings
2. The Lettuce -- Least Important Finding
3. The Tomato -- Second Most Important Finding
4. The Meat -- The Most Important Finding
5. The Button Bun -- Explains Why Findings Support Your Position


Topic Sentence - the Top Bun

This lets the reader know you will present three findings to support your position

First Finding - the Lettuce

This is background -- or it might be the least important discovery

Possible Connectors

Second Most Important Finding - the Tomato

This is the second most important fact you've discovered

Possible Connectors:

Most Important Reason - the Meat)

This is the most important finding and will essentially prove your opinion

Possible Connectors:

Conclusion - the Bottom Bun

This presents your findings demonstrating how they prove you opinion