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Five-Sentence Hamburger Paragraph Outline 1

Five-Sentence Hamburger Paragraph

**** The Dreaded Outline ******

An outline!!! You tricked me!!! I hate outlines!!!

I know. I hate outlines, too. But writing outlines can be essential to constructing a good five-sentence paragraph that can be used to build a five-part essay.

Outlines can be confusing, in part because of the way our brains work.

When we try to think of why something's important, our brains produce the most important reason first and then struggle to come up with the other reasons. The hamburger paragraph, on the other hand, goes from the least important reason (the lettuce) to most important (the meat).

Don't worry -- you can answer them as you think of them and will put them in the correct order. will also insert the keyword above what you write in the paragraph - which is the whole purpose of the outline - to guide your writing.

To start out, write a simple, five-sentence paragraph about your favorite place to visit and tell us why.

Type: "The place I like to visit the most is," insert your location and then add "for three reasons."

One important point. Try to reduce your reasons to only one word.


Topic Sentence -- the Top Bun

Your topic sentence goes here. If I write I love New York,
I need to add "for three reasons," because that limits the paragraph to those three reasons.


Try to limit your reasons to one word

The Most Important Reason -- the Meat

The Second Most Important Reason -- the Tomato

The First (or Least Important) Reason -- The Lettuce

Conclusion -- Bottom Bun

The bottom bun looks a lot like the top bun.
A conclusion can be something as simple as, "Those are the reasons I love New York"